March Santos
PhD student in Public Health in the specialty of Health PromotionMaster in Nursing
Specialist in Mental Health and Psychiatry Post Graduate in Therapeutic Massage. Bachelor's degree in Nursing with professional experience extending to the areas of psychiatry, cognitive rehabilitation, psychogeriatrics, psychosocial rehabilitation, geriatrics and community health.
As a Masters and Nurse Specialist in Mental Health Nursing and Psychiatry. He carried out a research project "Dançar a Vida: Dance as a strategy in Psychosocial Rehabilitation", using the Biodanza System as a form of Intervention in Mental Health.
Biodanza facilitator Titled since 2016, he has been intervening with Biodanza in the clinical area in hospitals and institutions since 2014 (with users and health professionals).
PhD candidate in Public Health since 2017.
Biodanza : Qualified Facilitator with Extension of Biodanza for Children and Youth Biodanza Specialization in Mental Health Clinical and Social Extension of Biodanza with experience of seminars and conferences in different countries now holds regular classes in Lisbon.
The Biodanza session for care professionals
Practical session of Biodanza
Sunday 28 May 2023
10:30 - 11:45
Vivencia for professionals in a public family health unit (USF): how to integrate Biodanza into the public health system (SNS) in family health units (USF) for the internal population of the unit so that they feel the benefits for them and the benefits from also offer for the external population covered by the same unit (USF).
Experiences with specific needs.
How to work rationally, clarifying the discrepancy between the logical and emotional dimensions in our society, which are required of healthcare professionals and the effects they have on their daily life by opening up to new forms of behavioral relationships. Well-being, more happiness, a path of perseverance, coherence and resilience, the duration of the class, the curve and the recipients have unique characteristics.