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9. Schermata 2023-03-15 alle 10.17.10.png

Donata Ricatti

I met Biodanza in 2006 at the Gaja Center in Vicenza, a student of Giovanna Benatti.

I have been a titular teacher since 2022, a title obtained at the Biodanza 'Rolando Toro' school in Bologna.

I took care of clinical biodance groups ('David and Goliath' self-help group of Caritas of Vicenza) and social biodance (University of Adults and Elderly of Creazzo and Torrebelvicino -VI, groups of children and adolescents in primary and lower secondary schools of Vicenza and Bergamo).

I collaborated as a teacher in a biocentric school in the forest of Busto Arsizio - VA.

I attended the South American Biodanza Congress in Buzios Brazil in August 2019

I currently lead a group in Sarcedo – VI.

I am a teacher of literature in a secondary school in Vicenza, with experience also in primary and childhood.

I am a Laughter Yoga Leader, I practice Tai Chi and I support theatre, art, singing, reading and all forms of beauty and harmony.

Let's get back in touch


Saturday 27 May 2023

8:30 - 9:20

The immanence of the world manifests itself in various forms, colors, images.

The human perception of reality is conveyed in particular by the visual aspects, which permeate everyday life: looks, videos, writings, photographs, films, observations...

The animal world is equally sensitive to eye vision, especially in the context of hunting or fight-flight instincts.

However, animals also associate other hyperbolically developed senses with survival and primary needs: primarily smell and hearing.

The vegetable universe captures internal and external stimuli through solicitations that return vibrational and frequency information similar to the sense organs.

The human species, in addition to drawing its peculiarity from language, has made visual stimuli an almost exclusive form of communication.

Sometimes it is a question of a punctual, scrutinizing, voyeuristic communication. In short, seeing has become a judgmental, solipsistic, separative gaze.

Fortunately, in biodanza, and beyond, the gaze has resumed caressing the contours, the nuances, the dimensions.

The open eyes were joined by visions 'beyond', with the eyes half closed or even closed.

The visual performances have opened up in soft possibilities of grasping reality in olfactory encounters, in auditory sonorities, in warm touches.

The vivencia routs the geometric concreteness of the before and after: the 'here and now' makes it possible to progressively integrate the uniqueness of each one.

Even the conduction in Biodanza stands on 'beyond' visions: the theory of the system and the methodology presuppose intuitions, sensitivity, delicacies ...

If then the facilitator, like one of the two speakers at the conference, is a person with visual impairment, that's it.

Horizons of full-fledged integration open up: touch and con-tact, presence and lightness, all the heightened senses are revealed in a group fusion.

The leader 'feels' the group in an intuitive and creative way, the group feeds the facilitator back with the same amount of trust and transcendent availability.

Humanity becomes a human community, where the bond is not a social, cultural, moral value, but strongly biocentric, biological.

Seeing is believing!


At the origins of the origins of the Forum

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